We're passionate about the power of a great Hello.
Whether it's greeting a visitor online, connecting with employees and leaders throughout your organization or creating dialogue with important and valued customers, the ways in which you communicate with your audience matter. Your words, your visuals, your tone — all of the details — make the difference in whether your message is heard and noticed, or is consigned to the virtual, or literal, recycle bin.
Through compelling visual design and engaging messaging, Porea Communication Design crafts online, digital, print and experiential communication programs that introduce, inform and inspire.
Our capabilities include:
Creative direction
Corporate + brand identity
Web + online media
Digital + print collateral
Leadership event design
Strategic communication planning
Video messaging
Presentation design
Social media design
HR + Benefits branding
Program branding
Responsible production
Clients. Colleagues. Pals.
We pride ourselves on our relationships. Great ones help projects flow smoothly, make the work remarkable, allow for rethinks along the way and in the end, keep everyone happy. And after all, who doesn’t want happy?
Below are some of our valued clients, past and present. Read what a few of them have to say about our work together here.